Andrew Terrill

The outdoor diary of a writer, photographer, and wilderness wanderer


Welcome to my blog, the outdoor diary of someone who prefers to feel the earth beneath his feet. It’s what I am passionate about, it’s what I live for: to feel the earth beneath my feet. Not pavement, not concrete and especially not carpet, but the wild earth in its many natural forms.

I have written two books about this passion: The Earth Beneath My Feet (published June 1, 2021) and On Sacred Ground (published October 1, 2022). The books take readers on a 7,000-mile wilderness walk into the heart of wild nature, and the purpose of this blog is to add extra background to the books. But it is also to share and celebrate the wild, and perhaps even to inspire. From engaging deeply with nature I’ve received extraordinary rewards, and if this blog can lead even one other person towards those rewards then it will have served its purpose.

Many of my wilderness journeys take place alone, but through this blog I hope you’ll tag along and share the miles with me. Thanks for stopping by!

Andrew Terrill Colorado Sunset October 2022

NOW AVAILABLE: The Earth Beneath My Feet & On Sacred Ground

The Earth Beneath My Feet and On Sacred Ground October 2022

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The Earth Beneath My Feet & On Sacred Ground: the inspiring true story of a 7,000-mile solo walk through the wild side of Europe.

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